As a personal trainer, I’ve been very curious about the fitness trackers. After receiving several requests from customers, we’ve decided to carry the Vivofit2 from Garmin. The features from this device include: · Features 1+ year battery life · Reminds you to stay active with move bar and audible alert · Learns your activity level and proposes a personalized daily goal · Shows steps, calories, distance and time of day on backlit display; monitors sleep · Water resistant · Automatically syncs to Garmin Connect™ to save, plan and share progress I’ve been wearing the Vivofit 2 for a few days now. It’ really simple to use and makes me very aware of how much, or little I’ve been moving throughout my day. I was also very interested in my sleep pattern. The first night was a little restless, but I’ve settled down the last few days. It syncs up in a few seconds to my laptop or smartphone, and compares my goals to my actual movement to keep me on track to reach my goals. So far, I’ve been very impressed with this little device. I think this is a really valuable for the person looking to lose weight or just track their daily activities. The Garmin Vivofit2 is available now at 605 Running Company. Happy Healthy Living, Wayne Earney