![]() Many of you who follow 605 Running Company on our various social media platforms may have seen an event titled “Run846” circulating, or maybe you have seen friends share it. I’d like to take a minute and elaborate on the reason for this event, and the imperative message behind it. It is no secret that our country is in a state of turmoil and unrest. However, I cannot help but think, and hope, that it is an opportunity for profound change. When the news of George Floyd’s death at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer first broke, I found myself feeling disheartened, sad, angry, and helpless. It was an all-too familiar headline that I felt like had pervaded news stories for years; and with the added layer of technology and ability to live-stream such events, it was hard not to feel like we had become desensitized to such brutality. After wallowing in a state of hopelessness, I began to reframe my thinking, and my runner’s brain piped up. At this time in my fitness, the eight minutes and forty-six seconds that it took for George Floyd’s life to be taken from him is the time it takes me to comfortably run a mile. When I push harder, beyond the point of discomfort, I can go farther. As runners, no matter our fitness levels, paces, or abilities, our bodies are capable of amazing things. American entrepreneur Charlene Johnson said, “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable, that’s how you break the plateau and reach the next level”. This is so true, not only as an athlete, or a businessperson, or professional, but as human being. Thus, Run846 was born. Imagine what you are capable of when you push just a little harder; when you shut out the voices telling you that you can’t, or that there’s no point, or that no one cares. Imagine giving just a little more of yourself and breaking past the plateau that you’ve been stuck at for weeks, months, or even years. I will be the first to admit that I hate being uncomfortable, and I would imagine most folks would agree it’s a state of being that they prefer not to endure. But without discomfort, the chances of profound change are slim. We are at a pivotal moment in our history to be voices of change, advocates and allies for those whose voices have been silenced by the majority for far too long. So, I invite you to join us for 8 minutes and 46 seconds this Friday, July 3rd as we prepare to celebrate our independence as a nation and see how far your legs can carry you when you push past that discomfort. Join our event page on Facebook and share it, then share your accomplishments on social media using #Run846 and our event frame. We are capable of so much as human beings, and with a little love and fortitude, we can truly do great things. I hope you will participate with us and spread the word of love, equality, and justice this coming weekend. Let’s do better. Maren Ernst has been a contributor to 605 Running Company for four years. When not working at the shop Maren enjoys riding her bike or motorcycle, painting, reading and spending quality time with her friends and family.
Instagram: @maren_runs_the_605
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I don’t know about all of you, but every year I tend to dread Father’s Day. Maybe it’s being a woman, and never having brothers, I generally have no idea what to get him for a gift, or maybe it’s because most of the things I think he’d need, want, or enjoy are way outside of my budget. Whatever the reason, I’m always super anxious for the day that is meant to honor my dad. Lucky for me (and maybe you), 605 Running Company is stocked full of items that any dad could use and enjoy, even if he’s not a runner! I decided to do a virtual haul of my favorite “Dad Things” that are available down at the store or online for all you last minute shoppers, so listen up, take notes, and then pick out the perfect Father’s Day gift for special person in your life.
This list isn’t exhaustive or comprehensive by any means. If you don’t see anything here that you think your dad will love, come on down and talk to one of the talented sales associates and see if they can find something to meet your needs. From nutrition products to shoes to apparel to gift cards, I doubt you’ll leave the shop without something that your dad will love in hand! Maren Ernst has been a contributor to 605 Running Company for four years. When not working at the shop Maren enjoys riding her bike or motorcycle, painting, reading and spending quality time with her friends and family.
Instagram: @maren_runs_the_605 This year has been a year...I mean A YEAR. Times are crazy and I think we’ve all been struggling to reconcile our thoughts and feelings about all that has transpired. Factor in the reality that it’s been virtually impossible to gather and participate in our favorite sport, you’ve got a recipe for a bunch of squirrely runners, to say the least. The 605 Day in Sioux Falls was an exciting opportunity for our city and state to showcase what makes our beloved state unique. As a local shop in town with 605 in bold numbers outside our front door, we look forward to this day each summer, hoping to make it better than the last. It is prime time for people to start running, walking, and cycling as the weather is finally warm, thus filling the streets with people looking to get some exercise and fresh air. There was a heaviness though, as we approached this year’s 605 Day. We have faced separation from family and friends because of coronavirus, forcing us to deny our natural human instinct for companionship and socialization. Then, this past week we were confronted with the uncomfortable, devastating reality of the deep divide that still exists in this country between white communities and communities of people of color, specifically the Black community. And while we all look forward to gathering again for group runs and fellowship and delicious dinners and nights out on the town, we feel it is important to acknowledge the deep pain, frustration, and suffering that these communities--our brothers and sisters--are feeling, and have felt for decades. 605 Running Company is a proudly owned local shop, and joins numerous other locally owned businesses in our community. We feel it’s imperative to support other local businesses and business owners, but today we would like to specifically highlight restaurants and businesses that are owned by members of the Black community, as well as other businesses owned and operated by people of color. Restaurants
Hair, Health, and Other Businesses
At 605 Running Company, we pride ourselves on our relationship with our running community and the Sioux Falls community as a whole, and we believe that local small business is the heart of what makes Sioux Falls so special. During these uncertain, trying, emotional times, it is more important than ever to love and support one another, so we encourage you to continue to support local business, and take some time to check out some places you’ve never shopped or eaten at before. We love Sioux Falls and The 605! This blog post was submitted by contributors Maren Ernst and Carter Gronseth.
Maren Ernst has been a contributor to 605 Running Company for four years. When not working at the shop Maren enjoys riding her bike or motorcycle, painting, reading and spending quality time with her friends and family. Instagram: @maren_runs_the_605 Carter Gronseth has been a contributor to 605 Running Company for three years. When she is not working at the shop Carter embraces a good lake day, spending quality time with family and friends and exploring new adventures. Summer has unofficially arrived in the 605, meaning there are ample opportunities to get off the sidewalks and streets and explore different running routes throughout our wonderful city and surrounding areas. I don’t know about you, but the dredges of winter running in Sioux Falls get real old, real fast. While I personally enjoy the cold weather and yes, even the snow, it does tend to limit the runnable routes, making our beloved sport start to seem redundant at times. Unless, of course, you are one who enjoys structure and familiarity, in which case, that’s ok, too! Spring was a challenging time for our community, and I know so many of us are feeling the effects of social isolation and missing our group runs and running friends. I know I am. And while we are slowly easing back into some semblance of “normal”, it’s important to do so responsibly. So I decided to compile my top 10 list of favorite places to run, to help you add in some variety and mix up your workouts while we navigate this bizarre, changing landscape. Some of these routes will be familiar; I’m hoping others will spark some interest and inspire you to change up your routine, either running my favorite routes, or getting out there and finding you own! #10. The Bike Trail. While I know the trail can get old, particularly in the winter, I do always enjoy logging some miles along the river. It is predictable, scenic, and mostly flat. As long as you stay away from the dreaded switchbacks and desolate stretch by the airport, of course. #9. The Yankton Trail Park Loop. I think this has become a more popular area for runners over the past few years, as it actually somewhat resembles a track. Admittedly, I don’t know the distance all the way around, but it is a great location for speed workouts if you don’t happen to have easy access to a track. It’s generally well-lit and plenty spacious. #8. DTSF down to Falls Park. There is something about running down Phillips Avenue and winding through the Falls that really inspires appreciation for the city I’ve grown up in. I love running by all the small, locally owned businesses that line Phillips Avenue, and dodging the people out walking around enjoying what they have to offer. Then, continuing on down through Falls Park and finishing with a walk across the bridge back to the shop. It’s the perfect quick, fun little loop and a great way to find new stores and restaurants! #7. McKennan Park. This place is iconic and in the heart of Sioux Falls. The park itself is beautiful, but if you’re anything like me, you get just as much enjoyment looking at the unique architecture of the homes that are built in an historic part of the city. I highly recommended adding this stretch of pavement to an established route you may have mapped out in the area. #6. Good Earth State Park. Sioux Falls Area Running Club has hosted Thursday night group runs here for as long as I have been a part of the running community. While the timing of when we can safely restart organized group running remains uncertain, you can still go out and enjoy the peace that is an inherent part of Good Earth. There are miles of well-groomed trails that are generally easy to navigate, and it truly doesn’t take much to all of the sudden have 10-12 miles under your feet before you even know it. Just make sure to respect other trail users, and make sure the trails are runnable so as not to damage them. #5. The “Augie Route”. This route is mapped out by my good running buddy Glenda Bittner, and has been one of my favorite 5 mile loops since she first took me out on it. I have since run it with a number of different friends, and honestly, it’s probably the camaraderie that makes it one of my favorites, as scenically there’s nothing super special about it. I like to start at 605 Running Company and start straight out the gate going uphill on Phillips to 22nd street, cross Minnesota Ave and continue past Sanford Hospital, then turn south on West to 33rd, down the hill by Breadsmith Bakery (oh the smell of fresh-baked bread at 6 o’clock in the morning!) and finally coast down Dakota back to the shop. #4. The streets of Tea. This may sound weird, but since moving out of Sioux Falls a couple of years ago, I have really enjoyed exploring this small town and have grown to appreciate the navigability of small town streets and general feeling of safety. While one downside is the lack of mature trees and subsequently, shade, I generally run when there is no sun, so…problem solved for me. It is a great mix of country gravel and city pavement. #3. Newton Hills State Park. Runner beware: Newton is not for the faint of heart, especially if you’re like me, and trail-running is more of a hobby than a sport. While those experienced trail-runners used to technical trails may beg to differ, I find Newton Hills trails to be very challenging and a great way to throw something different into your routine. There is great elevation gain for being on the flat side of South Dakota, and moderate technicality with the relatively uneven surfaces and narrow trails. Once again, just remember to respect your fellow trail-users, as many of the trails are multiuse, with bike and horse traffic. #2. Any gravel road. They are usually generally flat, if not with a few rolling hills for some added spice, and most are relatively devoid of much traffic. There’s something about a gravel road that is so peaceful while still interesting. #1. Any route with friends. I mean c’mon, this is a given, right? Even when The Boss takes me up and down the “rolling hills” that are actually mountains in his neighborhood, it’s still a good time (though there may be a significant amount of complaining involved. I can’t help who I am!). And running with friends is the best way to find new, interesting pavement to log miles and get a change of scenery. So there you have it, my personal rundown of all my favorite places to run. There are so many more that I didn’t include, mostly because I haven’t experienced them for myself. Like the relatively new Falls Area Single Track in Tuthill Park, or the Leader’s Park trails. Any way you slice it, there are plenty of ways to keep running interesting in our beloved city. Just download an app like Footpath (my personal favorite!) and you can create route after route and send yourself on a running adventure! Stay safe, healthy, and happy out there, my fellow runners. I’m proud to belong to such a strong community of athletes and human beings <3. Maren Ernst has been a contributor to 605 Running Company for four years. When not working at the shop Maren enjoys riding her bike or motorcycle, painting, reading and spending quality time with her friends and family.
Instagram: @maren_runs_the_605 |